Guy’s Birth Story | Memphis Newborn Photographer

I don’t get the opportunity to photograph many births.
With births being unpredictable a lot of the time, it’s impossible to take very many and also maintain our normal schedule for weddings.
But when Twyla told me her birth was scheduled (and on a week that I could make it down to Florida) we booked my travel right then and there so I could have the chance to document her bringing this fella into the world.
Ya see, Twyla is also a photographer (hands down one of the most talented people I know) and she documented when Michael proposed to me when we three of us were at a photography workshop together in Asheville. So getting to be a part of this was something I just couldn’t pass up.

I flew down a few days early so I could visit with her and the boys. I really wanted to document their last few days at a family of four. Our days were filled with plastic egg hunts, dance parties to Marshmellow, donuts, hanging out with Stephanie from Shop James, and a lot of daydreaming about what this little kiddo would be like, and how much fun he would having growing up with two of the sweetest, most adventurous big brothers in the world.

The afternoon before Guy’s arrival, I bribed Oscar and Ari to let me take a few photos of them with their mama’s belly.
It was so bittersweet- pregnancy is beautiful yet so fleeting, it was hard to believe that this was his last few hours before he made his way earthside.
I had the boys whisper words of encouragement to Guy………ok. I’ll be honest. Pretty sure it was just a combination of words like “poop” and “farts” but it looks like they’re saying something really sweet in photos, right?

When the world was still dark, we made our way to the hospital. A quiet drive while the city was still sleeping, but we were awake and ready to meet this little fella.

Finally, the boys were able to come to the hospital and meet their baby brother. They were so excited, their sweet little faces beaming with joy that he was here!

When you think of the beauty of birth, my mind is often flooded with thoughts of soft, squishy cuddly newborn babies, new beginnings, joy, and undoubtedly tears and dirty diapers, but most of the thoughts are pretty easy going.
What is often left out is the hospitals, the waiting rooms, the chords and IV’s, monitors and beeping, and the fear of having such a fragile little human.
Guy was taken to the NICU for a few days, and although seeing him with all those chords was unnerving, I KNEW this little dude was strong. You could see his health improving the more Twyla, Gary, and his brothers spoke to him and held him and loved on him. It was beautiful to witness, and I am forever grateful for this family and the opportunity to be a part of this.
Can’t wait to get back down to Florida and hold my new little buddy!

(Ari waving to his mama from the parking lot <3)